• 01/03/2012
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Foundation Fieldbus outpaces other process fieldbus solutions

According to the research agency ARC, Foundation fieldbus accounted for nearly three-quarters of the total digital process fieldbus marketplace in 2011.

Trefwoorden: #arc, #Emerson, #fieldbus, #foundation fieldbus

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ENGINEERINGNET.EU -- Foundation fieldbus provides an all-digital communication infrastructure for process automation, with multivariable measurement capabilities, powerful device diagnostics, and the ability to integrate wireless devices across multiple networks.

According to ARC Fieldbus technology has made further inroads into the culture of process automation, despite the negative impact that the global recession had on the market.

The company predicts ongoing expansion of the market, with continued double-digit growth over the next five years: "With the ditital manufacturing technology expanding into more and more application segments such as Foundation for Remote Operations Management and Foundation for Safety Instrumented Functions, a growth in the billions of dollars on an annual basis is possible for the foreseeable future."

(picture : Emerson)

The Fieldbus Foundation is a global not-for-profit corporation consisting of leading process end users and automation companies. Within the Fieldbus Foundation, end users, manufacturers, universities and research organizations work together to develop an automation infrastructure that provides process integrity, business intelligence and open scalable integration in a managed environment.